Μικρά κέρδη στα ευρωπαϊκά χρηματιστήρια



Με θετικό πρόσημα ολοκλήρωσαν σήμερα την συνεδρίαση τα περισσότερα ευρωπαϊκά χρηματιστήρια, με τον κλάδο των μετοχών εξόρυξης να πραγματοποιεί τα μεγαλύτερα κέρδη και αυτόν των Μέσων Μαζικής Ενημέρωσης τις μεγαλύτερες απώλειες.

χρηματιστήρια χρηματιστήρια

Διστακτικοί εμφανίστηκαν και σήμερα οι επενδυτές στα ευρωπαϊκά χρηματιστήρια, εν αναμονή του δείκτη προσωπικών καταναλωτικών δαπανών στις ΗΠΑ που θα ανακοινωθεί την Πέμπτη, ένας δείκτης στον οποίο η Fed δίνει μεγάλη σημασία για την πορεία του πληθωρισμού.

Τους τελευταίους 12 μήνες, μόλις 11 μετοχές αντιπροσώπευαν το ήμισυ των κερδών που τροφοδότησαν τον πανευρωπαϊκό Stoxx 600 χρηματιστηριακός δείκτης σε κλείσιμο ρεκόρ την Παρασκευή.

Νωρίτερα αυτό το μήνα, η Goldman Sachs τόνισε ότι οι χρηματιστηριακές αγορές της Ευρώπης κυριαρχούνται από αυτή την ομάδα «διεθνώς εκτεθειμένων παραγόντων ποιοτικής ανάπτυξης» με τις μεγαλύτερες κεφαλαιοποιήσεις της ηπείρου, τις οποίες η τράπεζα ονόμασε GRANOLAS το 2020. (περισσότερα εδώ)

Στη νέα εβδομαδιαία ενημέρωσή τους, οι στρατηγικοί αναλυτές της Citi παρατήρησαν ένα αυξανόμενο ανοδικό κλίμα στις παγκόσμιες αγορές μετοχών.

Συγκεκριμένα, η ανάλυσή τους αποκαλύπτει ότι το κλίμα σε όλες τις αγορές εκτός από τρεις από τις αγορές που συμμετείχαν στην έρευνα είναι πάνω από το 85%, υποδεικνύοντας μια ισχυρή συναίνεση προς ανοδικές θέσεις, οι οποίες έχουν γίνει όλο και πιο μονόπλευρες καθώς οι πρόσφατες εισροές κεφαλαίων ενισχύουν περαιτέρω αυτές τις τάσεις. (περισσότερα εδώ)

Τα ομόλογα της ευρωζώνης διαπραγματεύονται περισσότερο συγχρονισμένα με τους ομολόγους τους στις ΗΠΑ από ποτέ, καθώς οι επενδυτές αγνοούν την επιβράδυνση στην Ευρώπη και παραμένουν επικεντρωμένοι στον πληθωρισμό και τα επιτόκια, οδηγώντας τους συσχετισμούς μεταξύ των δύο αγορών σε υψηλό ρεκόρ τις τελευταίες εβδομάδες.

Αν και η τεράστια αγορά ομολόγων των ΗΠΑ ασκεί συνήθως μεγάλη επιρροή, οι στενοί συσχετισμοί έχουν προβληματίσει ορισμένους αναλυτές ομολόγων, δεδομένης της αδυναμίας της οικονομίας της ευρωζώνης. (περισσότερα εδώ)

Η ευρωπαϊκή δραστηριότητα ιδιωτικού δανεισμού ανέκαμψε σε επίπεδα που παρατηρήθηκαν τελευταία φορά στα μέσα του 2022, σύμφωνα με νέα στοιχεία της Deloitte την Τρίτη, σε μια ένδειξη ότι οι επενδυτές συσσωρεύονται σε επικίνδυνο εταιρικό χρέος καθώς αναμένουν μειώσεις επιτοκίων από την Ευρωπαϊκή Κεντρική Τράπεζα φέτος.

Τα ιδιωτικά κεφάλαια χρέους, τα οποία δανείζουν κυρίως με υψηλά επιτόκια σε χρεωμένες εταιρείες που υποστηρίζονται από οίκους εξαγοράς, επέκτειναν 189 δάνεια το τελευταίο τρίμηνο του 2023, ανέφερε η λογιστική ομάδα, τα περισσότερα από το δεύτερο τρίμηνο του 2022, λίγο πριν η ΕΚΤ αυξήσει για πρώτη φορά τα επιτόκια. (περισσότερα εδώ)

Στα κυριότερα μακροοικονομικά νέα:

Στην Γερμανία, ο δείκτης Καταναλωτικού Κλίματος για τον μήνα Μάρτιο διαμορφώθηκε στις -28,0 μονάδες (σύμφωνα με τις εκτιμήσεις των οικονομολόγων) έναντι -29,6 μονάδες τον προηγούμενο μήνα (αναθεωρημένο από τις -29,7 μονάδες).

Ο δείκτης Stoxx 600 έκλεισε στις 496,04 μονάδες με άνοδο 0,13%.

Στην Φρανκφούρτη ο δείκτης DAX έκλεισε στις 17.558 μονάδες με άνοδο 0,77%, πραγματοποιώντας ενδοσυνεδριακά ιστορικό ρεκόρ στις 17.565,50 μονάδες, με το σήμα να διατηρείται σε strong buy, και με την στήριξη να βρίσκεται στις 17.049 μονάδες.


Μεγαλύτερη άνοδος


Μεγαλύτερη πτώση


Στο Λονδίνο ο δείκτης FTSE 100 έκλεισε στις 7.683,29 μονάδες με οριακές απώλειες 0,01%, με το σήμα να παραμένει σε strong buy, και με την αντίσταση να βρίσκεται στις 7.733 μονάδες και την στήριξη στις 7.508 μονάδες.


Μεγαλύτερη άνοδος


Μεγαλύτερη πτώση


Στο Παρίσι ο δείκτης CAC 40 έκλεισε στις 7.949,77 μονάδες με άνοδο 0,25%, με το σήμα να παραμένει σε strong buy, και με την στήριξη να βρίσκεται στις 7.685 μονάδες.


Μεγαλύτερη άνοδος


Μεγαλύτερη πτώση



Vinci: In his latest research note, analyst Pierre Rousseau confirms his positive recommendation. The broker Barclays is keeping its Buy rating. The target price is unchanged and still at EUR 140.

Glencore: Barclays analyst Ian Rossouw maintains his Neutral opinion on the stock. The target price is lowered from GBX 465 to GBX 435.

Deutsche Telekom: Mathieu Robilliard from Barclays retains his positive opinion on the stock with a Buy rating. Previously set at EUR 29.00, the target price has been slightly modified to EUR 29.50.

SAP: Analyst Toby Ogg from JP Morgan research considers the stock attractive and recommends it with a Buy rating. The target price is reviewed upwards from EUR 182 to EUR 205.

Schneider Electric: Bernstein’s research is revising its recommendation downwards to Neutral. The target price is slightly modified from 185 to 188 EUR.

Siemens: Jefferies is positive on the stock with a Buy rating. The target price has been revised upwards and is now set at EUR 225, compared with EUR 185 previously.

Hellofresh: In his latest research note, analyst Marcus Diebel confirms his positive recommendation. The broker JP Morgan is keeping its Buy rating. The target price is reduced from EUR 20 to EUR 18.

HSBC: Analyst Jason Napier from UBS research gives the stock a Neutral rating. The target price is set at 610 versus 620 GBX.

Εταιρικά νέα

Croda International said pretax profit fell after sales were hurt by customers reducing their inventory levels, and that it expects a key profit margin to decline this year.

The London-listed specialty chemicals company said Tuesday that its adjusted operating margin is expected to be two to three percentage points lower in 2024, dragged by different year-on-year business mix effects.

Croda said there would be no Covid-19 lipid contributions this year and that sales volumes at its crop protection and industrial specialties business remain depressed.

Pretax profit for 2023 was 236.3 million pounds ($299.7 million) compared with GBP780.0 million the year before, and consensus of GBP272.8 million, taken from FactSet and based on six analysts’ forecasts.

Adjusted pretax profit–which strips out exceptional and other one-off items–was GBP308.8 million compared with GBP496.1 million and a company compiled consensus range of GBP294.2 million to GBP306.2 million. Revenue fell to GBP1.69 billion from GBP2.09 billion, within a company-compiled consensus range of GBP1.68 billion to GBP1.77 billion. The board raised its final dividend to 109 pence a share from 108 pence.

Smith & Nephew said pretax profit rose, driven by robust revenue growth, particularly from its sports medicine segment, and an improved trading margin.

The U.K. medical-technology company said Tuesday that pretax profit for 2023 was $290 million compared with $235 million a year earlier. Revenue rose to $5.55 billion from $5.21 billion, beating market expectations of $5.53 billion, taken from a company-compiled consensus based on 14 brokers’ estimates. Underlying growth for the period was 7.2%, compared with the group’s guidance of toward the higher end of the 6%-7% range and market expectations of 6.9%. This was boosted in particular by sports medicine underlying growth of 10%.

Trading profit–one of the company’s preferred metrics–rose to $970 million from $901 million the previous year, missing market consensus of $966 million. Trading profit margin for the year was 17.5%, in line with guidance and slightly ahead the market consensus of 17.4%. The board declared a dividend of 23.1 cents a share, bringing the total payout for the year to 37.5 cents a share, flat from a year earlier.

Looking ahead, the company expects underlying revenue growth for 2024 to be in the range of 5%-6%, compared with market expectations of 5.2%, and trading profit margin to be at least 18%. The group said its medium-term targets remain unchanged.

Puma is keeping its dividend unchanged after the devaluation of the Argentine peso weighed on profitability for the fourth quarter, and said it expects geopolitical tensions and inflation to continue damping consumer sentiment, particularly in the first half of 2024.

The German apparel group said Tuesday that it would propose a 82 European cents per share ($0.89) dividend for 2023 to its annual general meeting on May 22, same it paid for the previous year.

Net profit in the fourth quarter slumped to EUR800,000 from EUR1.4 million. Puma said in January that the decision from the government of President Javier Milei to devalue the Argentine peso by 54% in December to tame stubbornly high inflation had particularly harmed profitability. The group said that earnings before interest and taxes, a closely watched metric by analysts and investors, climbed to EUR94.4 million in the fourth quarter from EUR40.5 million. However, sales slumped 9.8% in reported terms and 4% on a currency-adjusted basis to EUR1.98 billion from EUR2.20 billion.

For the current year, Puma is forecasting mid-single-digit sales growth on a currency-adjusted basis, and EBIT between EUR620 million and EUR700 million, based on its assumption that the devaluation of the Argentine peso will be fully compensated by price increases in the country.

Swedish private-equity firm EQT said Tuesday that its EQT X fund has held its final close, raising 22 billion euros ($23.88 billion) in total commitments. The EQT X fund invests predominantly in the healthcare, technology and tech-enabled services sectors in Europe and North America and had targeted EUR20 billion in funding commitments.

EQT said of the total commitments, EUR21.7 billion are fee-generating assets under management, with the fund receiving commitments from a broad range of investors, including pension and sovereign wealth funds, asset managers, and an increased share from the private wealth segment.

“Our thematic investment strategy and strong local presence are competitive advantages when sourcing opportunities, not least in a slower deal-making environment,” said Per Franzen, head of private capital Europe & North America at EQT. “EQT X is off to a strong start, having already announced four take-privates while offering substantial co-invest opportunities.” EQT X is currently 30%-35% invested, based on the actual fund size, it added.

Munich Re’s profit fell in the final quarter of 2023, partly due to Hurricane Otis, but beat market expectations as the company recovered from a period marked by major losses in its property-casualty reinsurance business.

The German reinsurer said Tuesday that net profit in the three months to the end of December was 1.00 billion euros ($1.09 billion), down from EUR1.14 billion in the same period of 2022, adjusted for new accounting standards. That compares with expectations of EUR980 million, according to a consensus of analysts’ estimates provided by the company. The Bavarian company backed its net profit outlook for 2024 and said it has sufficient insurance capacity for extreme weather and cyber risks.

Bouygues reported higher profit across the board and raised its dividend payout.

The French network company said Tuesday that 2023 net profit rose to 1.04 billion euros ($1.13 billion) from EUR973 million the prior year. Current operating profit from activities rose to EUR2.41 billion from EUR2.02 billion. Sales grew to EUR56.02 billion from EUR44.32 billion, helped by the acquisition of Equans. Sales were up 3% compared with the pro forma figures for 2022 including Equans.

Analysts expected net profit of EUR1.03 billion, current operating profit from activities of EUR2.38 billion, and sales of EUR55.61 billion for the full year, according to consensus estimates compiled by Visible Alpha.

Bouygues said it would lift its dividend payment to EUR1.90 a share for 2023 from EUR1.80 a share a year before. For 2024, the company guided for sales and a current operating profit from activities slightly up on 2023, which consensus provided by Visible Alpha confirms at EUR56.93 billion and EUR2.44 billion, respectively.

Iberdrola closed a sale of 12 combined-cycle power-generation plants and a wind farm in Mexico and said it received $6.2 billion. The final assessment of the financial and tax impacts by the governing bodies of the selling companies is still pending, the Spanish energy company said late Monday. The company in April reached an agreement with the Mexican government to sell the assets in a deal valued at around $6.0 billion, subject to adjustments. The sale encompasses assets with a combined installed capacity of 8,539 megawatts that represented 55% of Iberdrola Mexico’s earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization last year, it said.

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